
Friday, April 27, 2018

I'm Back!

It has been a while since my last post.  I have been busy studying for the NYS Real Estate Exam.  I haven't really done much with my Etsy shop nor have I done any crafting.  I really need to do both.  

Well, I have been out of work for the past week because I blew out my knee.  I have an appointment with an Orthopedic on May 1st.  Depending on what happens there, I may be down and out for a while so that will give me plenty of time for crafting and working on filling my Etsy shop.

Spring is finally upon us here in Central New York.  I want to get my garden started but with my knee the way it is, I can't even do that but I can supervise the Hubby while he does it.  We are going to have a vegetable garden and redo my flower beds.

Image result for gardening

Well, this is all I have for you today.  Hopefully, I will have a finished product for you soon. I must finish the scarf I have been working on.

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Thursday, February 1, 2018

Herb Garden

I love cooking with fresh Herbs one reason is because of the wonderful aromas and also because they make your food taste so much better!  The problem is they are so expensive!  I needed Fresh parsley for a recipe so I bought a plant.  It cost me $2.99!
I decided to grow my own!  The problem here is, I have no window sills in my kitchen and no extra counter space to row herbs.   I asked my husband if there was a way he could build something that attached to the window that I could put my plants in.  Of course, he said we could come up with something.

 Later that day, my husband and I went to our local hardware store looking for other items and came across this Herb growing kit.  The kit included the wooden planter box, the dirt pellets, 4 seed packets and the disposable pots.  Perfect for what I wanted!

My husband had a strip of wood that he screwed into the window frame.  he then screwed in the hooks and hung the planter box.  I did the planting and WALLA!  This is perfect because the plants get the right amount of sun and they are up out of the way!  The whole kit cost me $9.99 and I get 4 plants plus left over seeds to start more! Also, once my plants have grown, they are handy right there in my kitchen, not outside.  I don't have to wait until spring to grow my Herbs, I can do it all year!

Also, I will save a ton of money growing my own!

Thursday, January 11, 2018

My Etsy Shop is Open and Ready For Business!

My Etsy Shop is Open and Ready For Business!  You can view it here:

Meet the owner:

April Lewin
Owner, Maker/Designer/Photographer/Marketer, Curator/Customer Service/Shipper
I am a stay-at-home Mom whose passions include Family, Avon and Crafts. I play around with the trendy crafts and when I find one I like, I start making tons of the items again not following what others do but making it my own.
Handmade crafts, candy arrangements, knitting and more
I loom-knit hats, scarves and blankets. I also dabble in trendy crafts. So, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy your stay!
Everything is made in a smoke-free home.

For my loom knitting, I do not follow patterns (I don't understand how to read them) so everything I make is by teaching myself the stitches and then creating the piece!

I play around with the trendy crafts and when I find one I like, I start making tons of the items again not following what others do but making it my own.

Check out some of the items I make!  Want more info.?  Click the picture and it will take you right to the listing!

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Re-opening My Etsy Store

Well, after a year away and researching other online selling venues, I have decided to re-open my Etsy store.

I offer Handmade crafts, candy arrangements, knitting and more.
I loom-knit hats, scarves and blankets. I also dabble in trendy crafts. So, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy your stay!
Everything is made in a smoke-free home.

For my loom knitting, I do not follow patterns (I don't understand how to read them) so everything I make is by teaching myself the stitches and then creating the piece!

I play around with the trendy crafts and when I find one I like, I start making tons of the items again not following what others do but making it my own.

Below are a few samples of what I offer.

Watch for my post when I have finished opening my store!

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Baby It's Cold Outside!

I live in New York, not the city but in Central New York.  We have had temperatures in the negatives.  We have also had fine lake effect snow and strong winds that created near whiteout conditions.  Yesterday was Saturday and we pretty much stayed home except for going to get groceries.

When we got home, we decided to change our bedroom around.  While we were doing that, I remembered my husband had misplaced his winter hat that I made him a few years ago. So, I decided to loom knit him a new one.  He needs one for when he is out shoveling or snow blowing.

I thought "I can have this done in an hour, tops".  But no.  The yarn decided to give me issues by being tangled and knotted.  I think I spent about 3 hours just fixing the yarn so I could use it!  I finally got it and the hat was made!


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Happy New Year!

Image result for happy new year 2018 images

New Year's resolution is a tradition, most common in the Western Hemisphere but also found in the Eastern Hemisphere, in which a person resolves to change an undesired trait or behavior, to accomplish a personal goal or otherwise improve their life.

I, for one, don't make New Year Resolutions. Why?  Well. I used to but I never, ever stuck to them.  I do believe in making personal changes or setting goals in a new year but, I do not make resolutions.

What am I doing new this year? What goals am I setting?  Well, this blog for one.  I will also be finishing my course to obtain my Real Estate License.  So, by the end of 2018, i hope to be a Real Estate Agent.

I had a blog for my crafts but  I neglected it and my account was deactivated.  I hope to stay active with this blog.  I will be sharing my creations, my husband's creations, tips that I find online and other crafting tidbits.

So, I hope that you will follow my blog and comment on my posts to keep me motivated to create new posts!

I hope you all have a blessed year!

You can also find me here: 

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